Monday, December 15, 2014

Insomnia Strikes Again

Every few months I tend to go through bouts of insomnia. Sometimes I have nightmares, sometimes I can't fall asleep, and sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep. Last night was one of those nights I inexplicably woke up around 0100 and stayed awake until around 0330. I think I may have been a little bit warm, explaining the wakeup, but there's no good reason I couldn't go back to sleep. Here's a list of things I did between 0100-0330:

1.   Counted sheep
2.   Counted blessings instead of sheep
3.   Got annoyed at myself for getting ^that song stuck in my head
4.   Stopped being annoyed because I actually like that song
5.   Surfed Facebook
6.   Mentally reviewed my jambalaya "recipe" (methodology, more like) so I can write it down for a friend who requested it
7.   Went through at least three revolutions of back-side-stomach-side and back trying to find a comfortable sleep position
8.   Stared at my husband, mentally willing him to wake up and snuggle me
9.   Researched plane tickets for my mom and mother-in-law to come visit
10. Updated my iPhone iOS
11. Went through a couple more revolutions of back-side-stomach-side-back
12. Played a couple rounds of Spades
13. Had conversation with Tony after he woke up to pee
14. Checked Words with Friends for new plays
15. Made a mental list of things to do today
16. Made a mental list of possible things to do on vacation
17. Mentally rearranged my mom's furniture to accommodate a grand piano (not against an outside wall, not near a fireplace)
18. Imagined all of my family at my mom's house singing carols and opening presents on Christmas Eve
19. Compiled list of people I need to call

Hm, I really wish I could round out this list with a 20th thing, but that's all I remember. I can say it was a productive couple of hours, but I'd much rather have the sleep!

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