Thursday, November 13, 2014


When I first encountered the word, I thought it had two syllables. Now I know better. It's late and I'm tired, so this post will be short and sweet.

The Last...

1. thing that made you laugh hysterically

I was on the phone with my husband and I said something ordinary in a silly voice, and it caught him just right and unexpectedly so that he started laughing. This made me laugh, which made him laugh even harder, and we stuck in a happy loop for a few minutes. 

2. person who made you angry

Hmm, I don't get angry often. Most recently it's been at a situation (the car, which is still at the mechanic) instead of a person. I just generally don't find anger to be a very productive emotion, and when it happens it is usually pretty short-lived for me. 

3. time you cried

The trailer for the new Stephen Hawking movie staring Eddie Redmayne. 

4. song that made you want to buy an entire album

The last complete album I bought was the Plain White T's Wonders of the Younger because of the song Rhythm of Love. There have been several songs that have made me investigate whole albums, like Megan Trainor's All About That Bass, but with options such as iTunes, Pandora, and Spotify, I just can't justify it. 

5. piece of visual art that made you wish you had the resources to buy actual art.

Tony and I have been on the lookout for a vineyard landscape to hang in the master bedroom. So far, we haven't found the perfect fit, but there is a vendor who comes through the Exchange on post fairly regularly who sells some great paintings. Some of them have poppy fields or rows of grape vines, and are painted on windows or old wood, and they're really neat. I also really like the glass demijohns with iron stands, and which have been fitted out to hold candles. 

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