Monday, March 3, 2014

Internet Woes

School has been kicking my butt this term, mostly through my own poor time management. However, when you're taking a distance-learning class pretty much the only requirement is internet access. And that has been a big part of the problem. You know, what with 4,000-mile road trips and living out of a suitcase and the rather anti-climatic death of a modem. I'm not a crier, truly, but I have cried more over school this term than probably anything else over the last three years. All that to say, I have less than one week left and I won't fail! Yay!! I may even scrape an A in one of my classes. Now that we are out of the house and in a hotel, I have internet for the next couple of days, and I won't have to worry about it until the next term starts on March 17th. For my own sanity, I'm only taking one class next term, but it's a doozie: the dreaded Government Finance course (insert menacing hisses and boos here). I'm hoping it won't be so bad, since I'll be very much in a transient status at LEAST through April. Who knows how long it will take us to find a home in Italy and get set-up with internet. And television, of course. I'll need to figure out how to watch things like True Blood, Game of Thrones, and Duck Dynasty in Europe. Speaking of tv, does anyone have any recommendations for old shows? I have a feeling we'll be watching more tv than movies overseas, and it'd be nice to find some completed series online to occupy our time when we're not gallivanting through the Tuscan countryside and having grand adventures on the Grand Canal.


  1. Oh, boy! I'm glad you'll be blogging your adventures!

    For tv, without knowing what you've watched, I'll just throw out a huge list of shows I've loved: first and foremost the Joss Whedon oeuvre (Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse), Veronica Mars, Freaks and Geeks, Friday Night Lights, Breaking Bad, Deadwood, Arrested Development, Battlestar Galactica (the SciFi network version), The I.T. Crowd, Flight of the Conchords, Fringe, Alias, Pushing Daisies, and a vote for one not-yet-complete show: Justified, which is my FAVORITE and not enough people watch it. So... there's gotta be something there y'all will like!

    1. Thanks for the suggestions! Some of those I have seen an episode or two, but most of them are either a) entirely new or b) already on my to-see list. I've never heard of Justified before so I'll have to check it out. And I'm so excited for the VM movie! Hopefully I'll get to see it this weekend.

  2. House of Cards, Mad Men, No Reservations (Bourdain), also some seconds to the above list (Breaking Bad, Arrested Development, Battlestar)

    1. I've been hit or miss with No Reservations, but I really think I'll enjoy House of Cards. That's one of the NetFlix original series, right?


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