Friday, April 4, 2014

Things I have learned...

After 30 hours on the ground here, I've learned a lot. So much, in fact, that I'm practically an expert by now! Here's a quick list of ten things I can confidently report:

1) Italians speak very quickly.
2) I think, speak, and translate very poorly, and very slowly. Of course, this isn't really a surprise or new information, but it has definitely been reinforced.
3) The food is delicious. (We haven't had any wine yet, but I'm sure that will be rectified quickly.)
4) Everything seems to be smaller...bathtubs, refrigerators, cars, driving lanes, etc.
5) It's beautiful! There are irises and daffodils and tulips blooming all over base, and someone said they saw their first poppy today. Apparently there are fields and fields of poppies and sunflowers blooming this time of year, or a little later. I can't wait to go see them! We passed some wisteria blooming over archways, too.
6) Phone plans here are WAY cheaper than they are in the States. Tony's all set with his international number/plan, and as soon as my phone is unlocked in a few days, I'll go the same route. Easy peasy, too.
7) I already stepped in dog poop. Just thought everyone should know.
8) International flights are much nicer than domestic ones. (I watched The Book Thief and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. The former was excellent and the latter was passable, if anyone cares about my opinion. I also read two different books between waiting in the airport and the flights.) Drinks were free and the food was better than I expected.
9) Customs and the shuttle bus were surprisingly easy to navigate.
10) The Army folks here seem to be very friendly, and very well-organized. The base is pretty small, and well-labeled with building and hours information.

That's all for now!

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