Monday, July 21, 2014

How did it get to be nearly August already?

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last updated. No wonder I don't have any regular visitors! I guess time flies when you're traveling internationally for work, jaunting off to enjoy family in upstate New York during the most beautiful time of the year (and no, I will not ever give credence to the thought that winters up there are prettier), and working really hard to maintain an 'A' in school. Speaking of which, I have a final paper due on Wednesday, so of course I am finding many other things to do besides buckle down and write. It is almost a blessing that Tony happens to be gone for work, so I don't have to feel guilty about doing schoolwork while he's around. Please not it's not HIM that makes me feel that way, it's all internal. I just feel that he's so busy, and gone so much, that when he is around I need to be able to spend as much quality time with him as possible. Being in the same house, or even in the same room, doing two different things hardly counts. I know it's completely asinine to believe I can cram in all of the Elaine-things strictly in the no-Tony hours. So I'm working on that.

Speaking of quality time, here is an off-topic plug for Gary Chapman's concept of the Five Love Languages. I've read his book (a couple of times) and it has resonated with me each time. If you're looking for some insight into how to make your relationships stronger, check it out. In a nutshell, he believes we gravitate to certain concepts in how we express love to others - Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Acts of Service, and Gifts.

In another off-topic subject, only 47 days and 8 hours until LSU kicks off! Geaux Tigers!